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Autor | Dílo | Vydavatel | Rok vydání | ISBN |
BRETT, Simon | How to be a Little Sod/ Prevítem snadno a rychle - bilnigual text | Kosmas | 2007 | 978 80 7203 925 8 |
BRONTE, Charlotte | Shirley | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. | 1993 | 18 5326 0649 |
BUSCEMI, Santi; SMITH, Charlotte | 75 Reading Plus | McGraw-Hill, Inc | 1996 | 0 07 009482 9 |
CHRISTIE, Agatha | The ABC Murders | Fronta Books | 1962 | |
CHRISTIE, Agatha | Passenger to Frankfurt | Agatha Christie Ltd. | 1970 | 0 00 616449 8 |
CHRISTIE, Agatha | The Mysterious Mr.Quin | Dell Publishing Co., Inc. | 1982 | 0 440 16246 7 |
CARROLL, Lewis | Through the Looking Glass | London: Penguin Books, Ltd. | 1994 | 01 4062 0877 |
DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor | The Idiot | Wordsworth Classics | 1996 | 1 85326 175 0 |
DE MAUPASSANT, Guy | The Best Short Stories. | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. | 1997 | 18 5326 1890 |
DE SAINT EXUPERY, Antoine | The Little Prince. | London: Mammoth. | 1991 | 07 4970 8778 |
De BALLON, N.V. | Bamboos first dictionary | Sunbird Publishing Ltd | 1990 | 0 86215 743 9 |
DICKENS, Charles | The Mystery of Edwin Drood. | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. | 1998 | 18 5326 7295 |
DOSTOEVSKY, Fyodor Mikhailovich | Crime and Punishment. | Oxford: Oxford University Press | 1995 | 01 9282 3582. |
DOYLE, Sir Arthur Conan | The avdenture of The Sussex Vampire and other Cases of Sherlock Holmes - bilingual text | Garamond | 2006 | 80 86955 45 1 |
DUNMORE, Helen | Burning Bright | London: Penguin Books, Ltd | 1994 | |
DURAS, Marguerite | The North China Lover | London: HarperCollins Publishers. | 1994 | 00 0654 7125 |
DURAS, Marguerite | Yann Andrea Steiner. | London: Hodder & Stoughton | 1994 | 03 40 59 9251 |
FIELDING, Henry | Tom Jones | Wordsworth Classic | 1992 | 1 85326 021 5 |
FORSYTH, Frederick | The Day of the Jackal, The Dogs of War | Arrow | 1974 | 0 09187 734 2 |
FITZGERALD, F. Scott | The Great Gatsby | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 1993 | 1993 | 18 5326 041x |
GIBRAN, Kahlil | The Beloved | London: Penguin Books, Ltd. | 1997 | 01 4019 533x |
GOOKSON, Gatherine | Rooney | Corgi Books | 1976 | 0 552 09318 1 |
GRAHAME, Kenneth | The Wind in the Willows | London: Penguin Books, Ltd. | 1994 | 01 4062 1229 |
GREENE, Graham | Brighton Rock | London: Penguin Books, Ltd. | 1970 | |
GRUNDY, Lynn | A is for apple | Ladybird Books Ltd | 1995 | 0 7214 9506 0 |
CHARRIERE, Henri | Papilon | London: HarperCollins Publishers | 1969 | 05 8603 4862 |
HEFTER, Richard | Very worried Walrus | Holt, Renehart | 1977 | 0 03 018091 0 |
HILL, Erick | Spot at the farm | William Heonemann Ltd | 1985 | 0 434 94261 8 |
KENNEDY, Douglas | State of the Union | Arrow books | 2006 | 978 0 099 46829 5 |
KING, Stephen | Desperation | London: Hodder & Stoughton. | 1996 | 03 4068 271x |
KIPLING, Rudyard | The Jungle Book | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. | 1993 | 18 5326 119x |
KIPLING, Rudyard | The Man Who Would Be King and other stories | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd | 1995 | 18 5326 2099 |
LAWRENCE, D.H. | Sons and Lovers | Penguin Popular Classiscs | 1995 | 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 |
LYNCH, Jennifer | The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer | London: Penguin Books, Ltd | 1990 | 01 4014 9449 |
MARX, Karl; ENGELS, Friedrich | The Communist Manifesto. | London: Penguin Books, Ltd. | 1967 | 01 4044 4785 |
MCKIE, Ken | In the Park | World International Publishing Limited | 1988 | |
OXENBURRY, Helen | I see | Walker books Ltd | 1985 | 0 7445 0389 2 |
NAYLOR, Clare | Love: A users guide | London: Hodder & Stoughton. | 1997 | 03 4068 5778 |
ORIORDAN, Kate | Involved | London: HarperCollins Publishers | 1995 | 00 0654 7623 |
POE, Edgar Allan | Fantastic Tales. | Havlíèkùv Brod: Fragment. | 1995 | 80 8576 8682 |
POE, Edgar Allan | Tales of Mystery and Imagination | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd | 1993 | 18 5326 0134 |
Reader´s digest | Goddness Island, East od Eden, The Anatomy of a Crime, Return to paradise, The Intruder | Reader´s Digest | 1956 | |
ROUSSEAU, Jean Jacques | Discourse on Inequality | Oxford: Oxford University Press | 1994 | 01 9282 9475 |
ROYKO, Mike | Boss Richard J.Daley of Chocago | Signet | ||
SCOTT, Walter | Ivanhoe | Warszawa | 1959 | |
SCOTT, Walter | Ivanhoe | Wordsworth Classic | 1995 | 1 85326 202 1 |
STALLWORTHY, Jon | The Penguin Book of Love Poetry | London: Penguin Books, Ltd. | 1973 | 01 4058 5311 |
STEINBECK, John | Of mice and men | A Bantam Classic | 1957 | |
STROKER, Bram | Dracula | Penguin Books | 1994 | 0 14 062063 |
SZPILMAN, Wladyslaw | The Pianist | Phoenix | 2000 | 0 75381 719 5 |
TOLSTOY, Leo | Anna Karenina | Penguin Books | 1968 | |
TOLSTOY, Leo | Anna Karenina | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd | 1995 | 18 5326 2714 |
TRPÁK, Ladislav | Mike and Danny | Tyr | 1990 | 80 900246 0 2 |
TRUSS, Lynne | Eats, Shoots & Leaves. | London: Profile Books Ltd | 2003 | 18 6197 6771 |
WARREN, Rick | The purpose Driven Life | Zondervan | 2002 | 0 310 20571 9 |
WENK, Richard | Indiana Jones and the Eye of the Fates | Sphere | 1984 | 0 7221 9030 1 |
WATT,Fiona | Thats not my kitten | Usborne Publishing Ltd | 2000 | 9 780746 041833 |
WILDE, Oscar | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd | 1992 | 18 5326 0150 |
Autor | Dílo | Vydavatel | Rok vydání | ISBN |
STUDENT AGENCY | Angličtina. Praktický jayzkový průvodce. | Bučovice: RO-TO-M | 2006 | 80 8584 0162 |
Autor | Dílo | Vydavatel | Rok vydání | ISBN |
COLLINS | Collins Thesaurus A-Z | HarperCollins Publishers | 2006 | 978 0 00 718390 0 |
LINGEA | WAZZUP? slovník slangu a hovorové angličtiny | Lingea s.r.o. | 2008 | 978 80 87062 31 9 |
LINGEA | ČJ-AJ mluvník | Lingea s.r.o. | 2008 | 978 80 87062 28 9 |
LINGEA | AJ-ČJ, ČJ-AJ kapesní slovník | Lingea s.r.o. | 2010 | 978 80 87062 36 4 |
LINGEA | AJ-ČJ, ČJ-AJ praktický slovník | Lingea s.r.o. | 2011 | 978 80 87471 104 |
LINGEA | AJ-ČJ, ČJ-AJ šikovný slovník | Lingea s.r.o. | 2009 | 978 80 87062 62 3 |
LINGEA | AJ-ČJ, ČJ-AJ velký slovník | Lingea s.r.o. | 2010 | 978 80 87062 85 2 |
MANSER, Martin H., et al. | The Wordsworth Thesaurus Dictionary | Hertfordshire: Wordsworth Editions Ltd. | 2006 | 18 4022 4908 |
PENGUIN REFERENCE | Roget's Thesaurus of English words and phrases | Penguin Book Ltd. | 2004 | 978 0 14 051503 9 |
POLDAUF, Ivan; CAHA, Jan | Anglicko-český česko-anglicky slovník | Státní pedagogické nakladatelství Praha | 1994 | 80 04 23997 8 |
ŘEŠETKA, Miroslav | Anglicko-český česko-anglicky slovník | Fin Publishing | 1996 | 80 86002 08 |
Autor | Dílo | Vydavatel | Rok vydání | ISBN |
ACKLAM, Richard | Gold, first certificate, coursebook | Longman | 2003 | 0 582 42969 2 |
ACKLAM, Richard | Gold plus, CAE, coursebook | Longman | 2003 | 978 1 4058 7680 3 |
BALDICK, Chris | Concise Dictionary of Literary Terms | Oxford: OUP | 1990 | 1 9282 8932 |
BAKER, Darren | 4 Book of American slang and Conversation | Ostravské Nakladatelství a.s. | 2000 | 80 85859 09 2 |
BARKER, Darren; VARADÍNKOVÁ, Eva | Konverzace slangové angliètiny | Ostrava: OSNA | 1994 | 80 8585 9092 |
BAUMRUKOVÁ, Irena | Medical English in Stomatology | Maxdorf | 2010 | 978 80 7345 232 2 |
BETSIS, Andrew | Succeed in City and Guilds Level B2 Companion Students Book | Andrew Betsis ELT | 2010 | 789604 134083 |
BETSIS, Andrew | Succeed in City and Guilds Level B2 Communicator Students Book | Andrew Betsis ELT | 2010 | 9789604 134076 |
BETSIS, Andrew | Succeed in City and Guilds Communicator Teachers Book | Andrew Betsis ELT | 2010 | 9789604 134065 |
BEC | Business English Certificates. Handbook | Cambridge: University of Cambridge. | 2004 | |
BLAMIRES, Harry | The Queens English | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 2004 | 9 780747 52018 4 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global eWorkbook Elementary | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03294 1 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global eWorkbook Pre - Intermediate | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03312 2 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global eWorkbook Intermediate | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03303 0 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global Coursebook Elementary | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03291 0 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global Coursebook Pre - Intermediate | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03309 2 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global Coursebook Intermediate | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03300 9 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global Teachersbook Pre - Intermediate | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03316 0 |
CAMPBELL, Robert | Global Teachersbook Intermediate | MACMILLAN | 2011 | 978 0 230 03307 8 |
CAMBRIDGE | Certificate in Advanced English 4 | Cambridge University Presss | 2005 | 978 0 521 65651 1 |
CAMBRIDGE | First Certificate in English 6 | Cambridge University Presss | 2005 | 978 0 521 75444 6 |
CAMBRIDGE | First Certificate in English 7 | Cambridge University Presss | 2005 | 978 0 521 61159 6 |
CAPEL, Annette; SHARP, Wendy | Objective FCE, students book | Cambridge University Presss | 2000 | 0 521 6257 9 |
CLANCHY, John; BALLARD, Brigid | How to Write Essays | Melbourne: Longman. | 1993 | 05 8287 4971 |
COCHRANE, James | New Enlarged Edition Between You and I a little Book of Bad English | 2004 | 1 84046 605 7 | |
COTTON, David; FALVEY, David | Market Leader. Elementary business english Course Book | Longman | 2007 | 978 1 4058 1335 8 |
CUNNINGHAM, Sarah; MOOR Peter | CuttingEdge. Intermediate.Students Book | Longman | 2001 | 0 582 30207 2 |
DAVIES, A. Paul. FALLA | Maturita Solutions Intermediate, Student´s book | Oxford University Press | 2007 | 978 0 19 4551847 |
DUCKWORTH, M; GUDE, K | Success at First Certificate | Oxford University Press | 1993 | 0 19 453267 4 |
DEMETRIADES, Dionos | Information Technology. Workshop | Oxford University Press | 2003 | 0 19 438826 3 |
DOFF,Adrian; JONES, Christopher | Language in USE.Intermediate | Cambridge: University Press | 1995 | 0 521 43552 8 |
DOOLEY, Jenny; EVANS, Virginia | Sail Away 2. Activity Book | Express Publishing | 2004 | 1 84558 065 6 |
DOOLEY, Jenny; EVANS, Virginia | Sail Away 2. Pupils Book | Express Publishing | 2004 | 1 84466 570 4 |
DOOLEY, Jenny; EVANS, Virginia | Sail Away 2. Teachers Book | Express Publishing | 2004 | 1 84558 081 8 |
EVANGELIDON, Maria | Simply City and Guilds Communicator Teachers Book | Global EIT LTD | 2010 | 9781 904663 01 3 |
EVANGELIDON, Maria | Simply City and Guilds Communicator Students Book | Global EIT LTD | 2010 | 9781904 66300 3 |
EVANGELIDON, Maria | Simply City and Guilds Communicator Level B2 Students Book | Global EIT LTD | 2010 | 978 1 904663 00 3 |
FALLA, Tim | Maturita Solutions Pre Intermediate Workbook | Oxford University Press | 2007 | 978 0 19 455171 7 |
FALLA, Tim | Maturita Solutions Pre Intermediate Students Book | Oxford University Press | 2007 | 978 0 19 455168 7 |
FICTUMOVÁ, Jarmila; CECCARELLI, John; LONG, Tony | Advanced Conversation Practice. Success at the State Exam | Brno: Státní jazyková škola Brno. | ||
FOX,Sandra | Starters, Young Learners English Practice test | MACMILLAN EXAMS | 2011 | 978 02304 1225 5 |
GEE, Robin; WATSON, Carol | The Usborne Guide to Better English Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation | London: Usborne Publishing Ltd | 2003 | 97 8074 6058 435 |
GRAY, Elizabeth; EVANS, Virginia | Welcome. Pupils Book. Workbook | Express Publishing | 1999 | 1 903128 01 3 |
GRANT, David, HUDSON, Jane | Business Result, Pre-intermediate, Students Book | Oxford University Press | 2009 | 978 0 19 473938 2 |
HASHEMI, Louise; THOMAS, Barbara | Objective: PET, workbook | Cambridge University Press | 2003 | 0521 01017 9 |
HASHEMI, Louise; THOMAS, Barbara | Objective: PET, students book | Cambridge University Press | 2003 | 978 0 521 80578 0 |
HASHEMI, Louise; MURPHY, Raymond | English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises with Answers | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 2004 | 05 2175 5484 |
HEWINGS, Martin | Grammar for CAE and Profficiency with Answers | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 2009 | 97 8052 1713 757 |
HEJNÝ, Petr | Hovoříme s Hostem Anglicky Francouzsky Madarsky Německy Rusky Španělsky | Praha:Merkur | 1992 | 80 7032 625 5 |
HUTCHINSON, Tom | English Project 1, Students Book | Oxford University Press | 1992 | 80 04 55036 3 |
HUTCHINSON, Tom | English Project 1, Work Book | Oxford University Press | 1992 | |
HUTCHINSON, Tom | English Project 2, Students Book | Oxford University Press | 1992 | 9 780194 354356 |
HUTCHINSON, Tom | English Project 2, Work Book | Oxford University Press | 1992 | 80 04 55045 2 |
HUTCHINSON, Tom | English Project 3, Students Book | Oxford University Press | 1992 | 0 19 435439 3 |
HUTCHINSON, Tom | English Project 3, Work Book | Oxford University Press | 1992 | 0 19435440 7 |
JONES, Leo | Progress to Profficiency. Student´s Book | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 1993 | 05 2142 5751 |
KEY,Sue & VAUGHAN,Jones | New Inside Out pre-intermediate student´s book with CD-ROM | Macmillan Education | 2008 | 978-1-4050-9960-8 |
KAY, Sue; JONES Vaughan | Inside Out, Students book, Elementary | Macmillan Education | 2003 | 0 333 92440 1 |
KAY, Sue; JONES Vaughan | Inside Out, Students book, Upper intermediate | Macmillan Education | 2001 | 0 333 75760 2 |
KAY, Sue; JONES Vaughan | Inside Out, Workbook, Advanced | Macmillan Education | 2001 | 0 333 92341 3 |
KAY, Sue; JONES Vaughan | Inside Out, Students book, Advanced | Macmillan Education | 2001 | 0 333 91740 5 |
KENNY, NICK; KELLY ANNE | Ready for PET Coursebook | Macmillan Exams | 2007 | 978 0 230 02073 3 |
Kolektiv Anglictina.com | Professional Business English | Brno: Computer Press | 2008 | 978-80-251-2110-8 |
LANGAN, John | English Skills With Readings | McGraw-Hill, Inc | 1988 | 0 07 036418 4 |
McCARTHY, Michael; O'DELL, Felicity | English in Use Phrasal Verbs Intermediate | Cambridge University Presss | 2004 | 978 0 521 52727 9 |
MARAN, Ruth | Computer Simplified | IDG Books Wordwide | 1996 | 0 7645 6008 5 |
METCALFE, J. E.; ASTLE, C | Correct English | Tadworth: Clarion | 18 9960 605x | |
MURPHY, Raymond | Essential Grammar in Use | Cambridge University Presss | 2007 | 978 0 521 67543 7 |
MURPHY, Raymond | English Grammar in Use with Answers | Third Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 2004 | 05 2153 7622 |
NAYLOR, Helen; MURPHY, Raymond | Essential Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises. | Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 2007 | 97 8052 1675 420 |
NESNÍDAL, Jan | Idioms. Do the Trick | Zlín: Margaret | 1990 | 80 9002 4203 |
NORRIS, Roy | Ready For CAE. Coursebook with Key. | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2008 | 97 8023 0028 869 |
NORRIS, Roy | Ready For CAE. Workbook with Key | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2008 | 97 8023 0028 883 |
NORRIS, Roy | Ready For FCE. Coursebook with Key | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2008 | 97 8023 0027 602 |
NORRIS, Roy | Ready For FCE. Teachers book | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2008 | 97 8023 0027 657 |
NORRIS, Roy | Ready For FCE.Workbook with Key | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2008 | 97 8023 0027 626 |
NORRIS, Roy | Direct to FCE.Students book | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2009 | 978 0 2304 1921 6 |
NORRIS, Roy | Direct to FCE.Teacher’s book | Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd | 2009 | 978 0 2304 0957 6 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | English File. Elementary Students Book s anglicko-českým slovníčkem | Oxford: OUP | 2012 | 978 0 19 459880 4 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | New English File. Beginner Teacher´s Bbook | Oxford: OUP | 2009 | 978 0 19 451877 2 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | New English File. Beginner Students Book | Oxford: OUP | 2009 | 978 0 19 451869 7 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | New English File. Intermediate Teacher´s Bbook | Oxford: OUP | 2006 | 978 0 19 451889 5 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | New English File. Intermediate Workbook | Oxford: OUP | 2006 | 978 0 19 451804 8 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | New English File. Intermediate Students Book s anglicko-èeským slovníèkem | Oxford: OUP | 2006 | 978 0 19 451910 6 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | English File 2. Students Book | Oxford: OUP | 2004 | 0 19 435522 5 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | English File 2 . Workbook | Oxford: OUP | 2004 | 0 19 435531 4 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | English File. Intermediate. Students Book | Oxford: OUP | 2009 | 0 19 436678 2 |
OXEGEN, Clive; LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina | English File. Intermediate. Workbook | Oxford: OUP | 2009 | 0 19 436679 0 |
PECK, John; COYLE, Martin | Literary Terms and Criticism | London: Macmillan Press Ltd | 1993 | 03 3358 8878 |
POWELL, Debra | Common Mistakes at CAE and how to avoid them | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press | 2005 | 97 8052 1603 775 |
PŘADNÁ, Petra | Anglicky s malou čaredějnicí | Albatros | 2004 | 80 00 01291 9 |
RAMPASOVÁ, Zora | Do you speak English | Praha: Olympia | 1991 | 80 7033 1437 |
READ,Carol | Footprints Pupil´s book with Portfolio Stories & Songs CD, CD-ROM | Macmillan Education | 2008 | 978-0-2300-1189-2 |
REDMAN, Stuart; GAIRUS, Ruth | English in Use test your Vocabulary Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate | Cambridge University Presss | 2007 | 978 0 521 53689 9 |
REDMAN, Stuart; GAIRUS, Ruth | English in Use Vocabulary Pre-Intermediate/ Intermediate | Cambridge University Presss | 2007 | 978 0 521 61465 8 |
ROBINSON, Anne; SAYBY, Karen | Fun for Flyers Students Book | Cambridge University Presss | 2010 | 978 0 521 74856 8 |
ROBINSON, Anne; SAYBY, Karen | Fun for Movers Students Book | Cambridge University Presss | 2010 | 978 0 521 74828 5 |
ROBINSON, Anne; SAYBY, Karen | Fun for Starters Students Book | Cambridge University Presss | 2010 | 978 0 521 74860 5 |
SOARS, Liz & John | New Headway Elementary Student´s Book. The Third Edition | Oxford: Oxford University Press | 2007 | 97 8019 4716 826 |
SOARS, Liz & John | New Headway Elementary Student’s Book. The Fourth Edition | Oxford: Oxford University Press | 2011 | 978 0 19 476924 2 |
SOARS, Liz & John | New Headway Elementary Workbook with Key |